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Re: Is using Photoshop immoral?

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 11:49 pm
by Paul Jones
Paul Jones wrote: Sorry, I'm getting a bit long in the tooth... :lol:
mikeaspinall wrote: Sorry about my silly joke Paul. I'm a lot longer in the tooth than you are.
No problem MIke. I was joking...
Walrus... Long in the Tooth.... Geddit? :-d


Re: Is using Photoshop immoral?

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 12:07 am
by Paul Jones
On a serious note though, I have to say that I regard retouching or post-processing as an integral part of digital photography. It's rare that I release an image that hasn't been post-processed / retouched.

I very much enjoy the retouching process. I've just been working on some images from the workshop I did with Gill and Lesley a couple of weeks back and I'm loving the results. Do the images need retouching? No. Get the lighting and exposure right in camera and you're good to go. But even so, I think images certainly look better (IMHO) after retouching. It can make the difference between a good photo and a great photo.

I'm not sure which part of the photography process I enjoy the most - making the original photos, or making the final images. I probably enjoy them both equally.

I did a retouching tutorial session with Darren on Tuesday night (that went on til 1.30am) and he was blown away by the 'Before and After' shots and the difference a few minutes in the digital darkroom can make.

Do you enjoy retouching? Look on it as a chore? Or not bother with it?

The Paul Jones Experience

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 10:10 am
by Darren
My understanding of Photoshop and the process of retouching a photo is becoming an integral part of learning all things photography. Paul is a very patient mentor and very easy to learn from. I appreciate he gives his time for free and shares his knowledge freely. His understanding for lighting a set to shooting to retouching the finished image is phenomenal. Tuesdays are fast becoming my favourite evening thanks to Paul jones.

Re: The Paul Jones Experience

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 2:31 am
by Paul Jones
Darren wrote: Tuesdays are fast becoming my favourite evening thanks to Paul jones.
I'm blushing... :oops: :oops:
Thanks Darren