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Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2017 4:49 pm
by mikeaspinall
Hi everybody

Was in town this afternoon (that's Bolton of course} and came across a Nikon D800 camera for sale in an
unusual place. Number 43 Newport Street a shop called Cash and Pawn shop. Went in to look at something
else but when a young man said that he had a D800 for sale at £650 I just had to have a look.
As it happens the battery was not charged up so couldn't have the pleasure of tripping the shutter.
It seemed to be in first class condition and came with a 32gig CF card. They also had a 20/35mm F2.8 D lens
with a dented ring round the outside so a problem for lens hood/ filters etc. but could be cheap with the camera.
Their number is 01204 371511. Gave then a call a few minutes and was told that the camera is now working perfectly
as the battery has been charged.
I pass this on in case anybody is interested.