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Thursday 8th November – Guest speaker Roy Wainwright presents E. Chambre Hardman

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 6:10 pm
by John Hardman
Roy has been photographing for over 50 years and up to the digital age mainly concentrated on B&W developing and printing in his darkroom. Since retiring he now spends time volunteering with the National Trust at 59 Rodney Street, Liverpool, the home & studio of E. Chambre Hardman. Roy is also a member of the Warrington Photographic Society.

Roy presents to us tonight E. Chambre Hardman who was a society photographer in Liverpool from 1923 until he retired in the mid 1960's photographing many celebrities of the time. As a young man he served in India as an officer in the 8th Gurkha Rifles where he met Kenneth Burrell and together they set up the business of Burrell & Hardman Photographic Studios in Bold Street, Liverpool. His passion and photographic skill sought out and brought to life with dramatic effect some iconic images including the 'The Birth of the Ark Royal' in 1950. This presentation takes you through the life and works of E. Chambre Hardman including some of his photographs.