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ASAPS Social Night Thurs 16 December

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2021 2:18 pm
by melbarnes
This Thursday (16th December) is the ADAPS end-of-year Social Night, and this year we are not holding it in the ADAPS club premises – instead it will be run on Zoom. John Hardman has put together a great quiz and I’ve agreed to host the night. So can you all please log in at 7:45pm, so that we can have a chat and explain the quiz prior to starting at 8pm. Once the quiz starts, I will mute everyone’s mics, because the last time I ran a quiz on Zoom, we could hear one or two of the attendees talking to their partners and revealing the answers – hence a lot of people got a lot of questions right! If you need to ask any questions, you can unmute your mic to speak.
Also, it would be fun if you could tell a joke or two – especially if you have any Christmas jokes. So get out your mince pies, and pour yourself your favourite tipple for a fun-filled night!
Meeting ID and password are on the ADAPS forum. Any problems during or prior to the meeting, send me a private message on Messenger.

MEETING ID 818 1396 7080