Compettion #47 - 'STREET PHOTOGRAPHY'

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Tom Gerrard

Compettion #47 - 'STREET PHOTOGRAPHY'

Post by Tom Gerrard »


The subject for the next competition is 'Street Photography'

What is street photography? A true reflection of everyday life, real unaltered candid impressions of people in public places, village or city center, the supermarket, corner shop, rail, bus stations etc, etc, the list of locations is endless. Photographers with compact, point and shoot cameras have the advantage over those with large DSLR’s, because they are less obtrusive and have more chance of capturing more candid images. So it is a subject open to all photographers with any kind of camera on a location which is just on the other side of your front door, it couldn't be easier.

Classic practitioners of street photography include Henri Cartier-Bresson, Robert Frank, Alfred Eisenstaedt, Brassaї (Gyula Halasz).

Closing date Midnight Tue 24th Nov.

Good luck to you all.

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Re: Compettion #47 - 'STREET PHOTOGRAPHY'

Post by sunsworth »

National Front march in Paris...

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Re: Compettion #47 - 'STREET PHOTOGRAPHY'

Post by John »

I thought this lady had a wonderful face and a wonderful outfit to go with it. She stood out from the crowd.
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Re: Compettion #47 - 'STREET PHOTOGRAPHY'

Post by Myra »

Taking Five.

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Re: Compettion #47 - 'STREET PHOTOGRAPHY'

Post by Des »


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Re: Compettion #47 - 'STREET PHOTOGRAPHY'

Post by LesleyD »

Setting up for Market
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Re: Compettion #47 - 'STREET PHOTOGRAPHY'

Post by bazzasmeg »

Not quite street photography, but candid non the less.

Regards, Barry
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Re: Compettion #47 - 'STREET PHOTOGRAPHY'

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Re: Compettion #47 - 'STREET PHOTOGRAPHY'

Post by TerryMooney »

The entries started with a Demonstration in France.
This (possibly the last entry)is of a Palestinian Demo at the Jewish Rally on 11th January 2009 in St.Annes Square Manchester.
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Tom Gerrard

Re: Compettion #47 - 'STREET PHOTOGRAPHY'

Post by Tom Gerrard »

Hi Competitors,

Sorry for the delay in the results of this competition and a big thank you to everyone who entered. My comments are as follow:-

Sunsworth – National Front March in Paris. I thought J. M. Le Pen and his party was now defunct. Certainly this bunch of unfortunates seems defunct and has stopped marching to stand around in confusion, wondering what to do next. This shouldn’t surprise me, because in my experience, apart from talking nonsensically for most of their lives this is another of the most dominant characteristics of many a Frenchmen. However this is a technically accomplished reportage photograph of a bunch of delusionary idiots, accomplishing absolutely nothing, that as started me wondering what they are wondering about. Ah, c'est la vie.

John – Street Portrait. What great shot. Which just goes to show you don’t need all the studio lighting paraphernalia, strings, sealing wax and other fancy stuff to take a good portrait? Great face, expression and dare I say, hat – wouldn’t wear it myself, but it looks good on her. Perhaps a couple of distractions in the background could be toned down a bit, but a good lesson for us all in how to capture an excellent image with the minimum of equipment ‘on the street’.

Len McNally – Co-operative Swedes. Len you should be in another place with other people, you should. Thousands of people will have walked by this promotional display and thought nothing untoward, but not you! Apart from the obvious subject of the pic’ it’s the priceless, pitying expression on the face of the little girl that caught my eye. “Mummy, what’s that funny looking man with the camera doing? Shhh darling, he’s one of those sort of men that daddy and I warned you about. Nevertheless it shows you walk around with your eyes open seizing photo opportunities in the most unlikely locations - another lesson to be learned? Yes, you have produced a pic’ which will be talked about, perhaps more by psychiatrists than photographers, but still that’s better than not being talked about at all.

Myra – Taking Five. A good candid portrait of a man having a few minutes in between whatever. Personally I feel the interest is in the top two thirds of the image and wondered if we would lose much if we amputated him at the knees –just a thought. I love the complimentary colours which work very well. Obviously taken on a very sunny day and most of the subject being in the shade, the sun would catch his silver/white hair, wouldn’t it? It always happens and on my screen it’s blown out all the detail in this area. Still a good grab shot taken on the hoof and that’s what street photography is mostly about.

Des – Untitled. I’m not surprised it’s untitled because I don’t know what’s going on here. All the ingredients of a rather mysterious situation are being portrayed. The hoody, the graffiti, the lead in to that empty but intimidating space, just what is he waiting for, I bet he’s up to no good? For me, it would have helped if I could have seen some of his face. But as it stands, it asks more questions than it answers. Perhaps, if that was your intention, you have succeeded in producing an unusual, disturbing and thought provoking image.

LesleyD – Setting Up For Market. Great places for this kind of photography. I can often be seen surreptitiously ‘mooching about’ the local markets hoping to grab something good. (Photographically speaking, I hasten to add) Taken in bright sunshine, you have exposed for the left hand side of the pic’ very well., Next time you go bring me some of those peppers back. But alas you have left the vendor/customer very much in the shade. He is there and I feel frustrated because I am unable to see him properly. There are things you can do in PS to alleviate this – maybe – but I think it is better to wait at the location for a better opportunity.

bassasmeg – Squaddie. Gosh, what kind of street do you live in? It wouldn’t be so bad if he was a Brit’, but the Yanks shoot their best mates and call it ‘friendly fire’, you wanna be more careful. As you say, not exactly street photography but a good candid of a GI Joseph at the bottom of the garden. Well exposed, you’ve captured all the detail required. IMHO, the image might be improved with some cropping. I feel there is space on the left, top and right hand side that is of no interest. At the bottom you have chopped off the end of his equipment, whatever it is, which is a no - no. All this could have been done when you composed the image in the first place. I know this is easier said than done when you are concentrating on a host of other things at the time of capture and I think most of us have said at one time or another ‘If only I’d have just moved, waited, zoomed……… etc’, when we get back home and download our shots.

Andrew Shepherd – Untitled. A Street shot of people doing what people do in Menorca, whatever that may be. I have not much to say about this image because unfortunately it’s not saying much to me. Does the sign advertising the times of Matins and Cap Vespres have some significance, if it does, it’s too obscure for me. I’ll have to have another think about this one, but I’m afraid I may not recognise the time when I become enlightened.

TerryMooney - Palestinian Demo. Unlike the other march picture, this lot really know what they are marching for, don’t they? A great shot with you getting right into the thick of it and capturing the action and atmosphere of this protest. I think you are very brave getting involved so close, because I know from experience how sometimes the most peaceful of marchers can turn on a photographer for one reason or another. But you escaped, bringing with you some great facial expressions displaying their thoughts and mood of the event. Perhaps focusing on the people in the foreground or using a larger DOF might have been better, but that really is nitpicking. A cracking reportage shot that tells the story, well done.

3rd Myra.

2nd John.

1st Terry.

So over to you Mr T. Hear from you soon.

Best Regards, Tom.
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Re: Compettion #47 - 'STREET PHOTOGRAPHY'

Post by John »

Nice judging Tom, and congrats to the winners!
Best regards

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