Lowton and Leigh Sailing club.

A home for images for discussion and appraisal
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Lowton and Leigh Sailing club.

Post by Janice Freeman »

There has been some debate on the forum about what inages people are taking - and comments/critique being welcomed. So here goes because I need all the help and advice I can get. These were taken in an idle moment on Sunday - whilst there was no rain.
20120617_3.jpg (39.03 KiB) Viewed 9392 times
20120617_12.jpg (37.1 KiB) Viewed 9392 times
20120617_24.jpg (48.69 KiB) Viewed 9392 times
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Re: Lowton and Leigh Sailing club.

Post by mike-e »

Hi Janice
I am not going to pore over the images you have, but ask you a few questions which may help you critique your own images, and help a little whilst you are out and about making images
Here goes
Being clear about your message you are trying to show is a good place to start, as a lot of good images are often about mood and message.
For example when looking to make images can you find shapes in whatever you are looking at. Where the items form an imaginary diamond shape or triangle for example, and whether moving slightly left or right up or down helps make that imaginary shape more clearer, Is there a strong colour connection instead – complementary or contrast wise.

The image also needs to be self contained; elements that stray out of an image or appear cut off in some way mainly confuse your pictures message, particularly if the item is in very sharp focus. A ‘safe’ area to surround your main subject – darker plain tones, or lighter if it fits the mood of the image.
Often removing items that take away from your ‘design ’ strengthen your message so going close to exclude he unwanted stuff helps massively.
Finally Most images need to ‘go’ somewhere. Use of lines or pathways to take you to the point of interest work best when there is a clear message or reason for the image at the end of the path.
Remember if you have a clear message/mood in mind when you make the (final) image, and that message or mood is clearly seen and understood it is generally accepted that you have a ‘successful’ image, so being clear about your message you are trying to show is a good place to start for it also helps you decide what to leave out of your image and concentrate on the important bits, and then allow you choose the options like those ideas above that fit best
I hope you find these comments useful, and am always happy to help or explain further if requested, and it could be an interesting exercise to come back and express you thoughts over the images you have posted here

Offered in a gesture of help

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Re: Lowton and Leigh Sailing club.

Post by Janice Freeman »

Thank you Mike. Very useful and constructive comments - ones which I will take on board. I try to look for shapes, colours etc, however at the moment I am missing the mark. Having said that, I have had very limited time for photography - but that has now changed somewhat. What I am trying to do is to get used to my camera and gain confidence in what I am doing. I am starting to get them more in focus and better exposure. I am also having a play with my imaging system to see what I can do with it (elements 10). The photographs in images were just the result of a pleasant stroll and a little exposure practice session - all part of the learning curve. The main thing s that I am enjoying it and people like yourself taking an interest makes it an overall happy and constructive past time. I reckon the more I try, the better - and here's hoping that sometime in the not too distant future I will produce 'the' shot I am aiming for.

Many thanks
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Re: Lowton and Leigh Sailing club.

Post by Paul Jones »

Janice Freeman wrote: I try to look for shapes, colours etc, however at the moment I am missing the mark.

What I am trying to do is to get used to my camera and gain confidence in what I am doing. I am starting to get them more in focus and better exposure.

The photographs in images were just the result of a pleasant stroll and a little exposure practice session - all part of the learning curve.
Hi Janice

I'm sure that every member of ADAPS has been in your shoes. I know I have. I can recall countless visits to Pennington Flash, Haigh Hall, Wigan Pier, etc, when I was trying to get to grips with exposure, composition, and finding something interesting to photograph.

The fact that you feel that your skills are improving is commendable. Just keep on with it and you'll get there in your own time.

The photographs you've posted are a decent record of your day out, but as solo images are unlikely to be competition winners (I'm sure you knew that). Things to work on for next time would be:

See the Light

These were taken on a fairly dull day, but there may have been the occasional burst of sunshine or bright light shining through the clouds that would illuminate the scene better. It's often worth waiting for 'good light' before pressing the shutter button. A better quality of light produces better photographs.

To press or not press the Shutter?

Ask yourself, "Is the scene I'm looking at worth pressing the shutter for?" Is there an interesting point of interest?
As the film afficianados would tell us - make every frame count.

Compose the Scene

Really "look" through the viewfinder and check that you have everything filling the frame that you want in there before you press the shutter. For example, in photo 1 did you notice that the top of the sail was chopped off?

You'll probably notice that the people who take stunning images and win competitions tend to practise all the above (and much more).

You're off to a good start! Things can only get better. :D

Best wishes

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Re: Lowton and Leigh Sailing club.

Post by Brian »

Janice Freeman wrote:The main thing s that I am enjoying it ...
Thats the main point about photography Janice if the enjoyment is not there then your not gonna get the best out of it and persuit it .. One reason I have been out in the wilds myself for a while I just was not enjoying my photography :)

Hang in there hun am sure you'll get there :)
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Always ask yourself this question: “am I proud of this shot?” if the answer is “yes” then it doesn’t matter what anyone else says.
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Re: Lowton and Leigh Sailing club.

Post by Janice Freeman »

Hi Paul and Brian. Many thanks for your comments also. You are quite right Paul, these would never be competition entries, merely a nice record of a pleasant stroll. It is interesting that you brought up the subject of light because this is something that I don't always think about. When I was in Whitby, John pointed out the light bouncing off some tools on a sculpture - he took his photo and captured it - I tokk the photo and didn't. But at least I tried. I will think about this a lot more now - and no I obviously did not check the viewfinder as it was only afterwards on the computer I noticed I had missed the top of the sail. What a plonker! It is great to get this kind of info and advice - obvious when it is pointed out to you but I must admit to getting quite distracted when I am out and about as I think I should be photographing everything in sight! Great for a record of the day but.....


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Re: Lowton and Leigh Sailing club.

Post by Paul Jones »

Janice Freeman wrote: Hi Paul .... It is interesting that you brought up the subject of light because this is something that I don't always think about. When I was in Whitby, John pointed out the light bouncing off some tools on a sculpture - he took his photo and captured it - I tokk the photo and didn't.

I must admit to getting quite distracted when I am out and about as I think I should be photographing everything in sight!
Hi Janice

I suppose one of the secrets of photography is knowing when not to take photos. Don't feel that you have to photograph everything. If you can be patient and wait for the right conditions you'll achieve more satisfying images. (Though I know that it's hard if you're at a location and time is running out)

Some of the best landscape photographers will get up early, wait hours or even days for the right light.

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Re: Lowton and Leigh Sailing club.

Post by John Harwood »

On a non photographic note.

It's nice to see that my old mate Brian is still sailing. He's the bloke with the hat in the second photo stood in the water with his boat heeled over. He does really well for an old timer.
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Re: Lowton and Leigh Sailing club.

Post by Stu B »

Janice, If I may, I will add my two peneth to this discussion. They come from someone who is very much, also in the beginner stable.
We all have limited times we can get out and shoot pictures. At times we have to make the most of the available light.
With my obsession for all things sporting. I found your second image very interesting. As stated previously it has some technical difficulties, and isnt a competition winner. But in my opinion, its not all about producing competition entries. (I can hear the sigh's from the committee.) Its not completely the end of the road. As you say. You are still getting to grips with your post processing. You can certainly use this image for practise. Im no expert in this field either, but it is fun trying things out. Learning all the way. Ready for when you do have more accomplished ones. I have spent literally five minutes editing the image, which I repost.. Maybe other, more knowledgeable members will have a go..
version 1.jpg
version 1.jpg (148.38 KiB) Viewed 9338 times

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Re: Lowton and Leigh Sailing club.

Post by Paul Jones »

Stu B wrote: its not all about producing competition entries. (I can hear the sigh's from the committee.)

I have spent literally five minutes editing the image, which I repost.. Maybe other, more knowledgeable members will have a go..
Hi Stu

I agree with all your comments. I'm not advocating that people should just produce images for competitions. Neither is the Committee, which encourages all members to enjoy photography in whatever manner they choose.

I also agree that your edited version has more appeal (for me at least). Note the post-processing and also the crop so that the sail is now filling the frame on a diagonal. Good example. ;-]

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Re: Lowton and Leigh Sailing club.

Post by Janice Freeman »

Hi Stu, thanks for your input to this. Could you tell me how you achieved this look please? You have brought out more details in the sky and skys are something which seem to cause me problems!!

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Re: Lowton and Leigh Sailing club.

Post by Stu B »

Hi Jan,

The effect is produced through a series of filters and layer masks. Sounds off putting, but really, its easy to master. A bit long winded to type out. But basically I applied a layer mask for gradient. then another to control hue & saturation. finally one to control vibrancy. messing around with the layer opacity as you go. There are loads of easy to follow video tutorials outthere on the subject of enhancing skies. For example http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tL4RgH0vIZo or various plug-ins such as topaz On-one or nik. You can have great fun just messing around with images.. Just remember to always make a copy of the original, before you start.

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Re: Lowton and Leigh Sailing club.

Post by Gill Blower »

Hi Janice

The comments and advice you have been given are great and it is nice to see people responding - thats what its all about.

I have been doing photography for a little while, not that long, and I must admist I struggle with landscapes. All the images I take on holiday turn out as holiday snaps - which is fine if you are not looking for that competition winner. John Riley gave me and Lesley a piece of advice when we first joined and that was to enjoy your photography and not get too distracted by trying to produce that winning image for the judge, especially in the early days. Take pictures you like!

When I was learning shutter speed and exposure I would use the TV and AV modes on the camera, which still allows the photographer some control. I then progressed to full manual mode when I was comfortable with what they did.

One thing I am trying to do is give my images more 'room' - you can always crop later, which avoids snipping bits off!

Stu B - thanks for the You Tube link - that was just what I needed for some of my very dull skies. Again, processing images is a struggle for me too! :h!:

I will also take on board some of the helpful hints above!

Regards, Gill
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Re: Lowton and Leigh Sailing club.

Post by Janice Freeman »

All the comments have been extremely useful and valid and have made me sit and think about what I want to achieve. I still do not know what type of photographs I really want to take but have a leaning towards flowers, gardens and landscapes and anything a bit quirky. I will continue to take lots of snaps because I do love to have a complete record of my days out, events etc. I also need to set aside some time to go out with the aim of trying to capture a particular shot - and not being so impatient. Typical Gemini - I want to do everything and run before I can walk!!! I do really enjoy taking photographs and whilst I miss the tops of sails, I now do get heads and feet in (sometimes) so my holiday snaps are getting better. I have made myself a little aide-memoir of things to check - since a retired from work last year I can't remember my own name! Keep watching this space and one day I will surprise you AND myself! :wink:

So, what is everybody else taking - lets have lots more photos and comments on here because I find it so helpful to see other shots and what people think about them.

Cheers me dears 5S

"A good snapshot stops a moment from running away" Eudora Welty
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